There are two major types of space used in two dimensional art and design:
Decorative and Illusionistic
Illusionistic space is also referred to as modeled or plastic space.
Illusionistic Space can be | ||
Shallow | or | Deep |
Jacob Lawrence |
Albert Bierstadt |
Value Composition
On a 9 x 12 Bristol, using values of Gray, create a Unified, Varied, Balanced Compostion as follows:
- Draw two lines with two different angles (somewhat horizontally) across the bristol paper.
- Then draw one, somewhat vertical line.
- Then draw a curving, looping, moving irregular line that starts at the left edge and finishes to the right.
- Then draw a curving, looping, moving irregular line that starts at the top edge and finishes to the bottom.
- If you have fewer than 15 shapes at this point, add another line.
- In each shape, create a solid value
- a maximum of 3 paper-white areas left blank/unpainted.
- no two adjacent areas may have the same value.
- Use VALUES to balance the composition
- Remember: Unity, Variety, and Balance are the three main principles of a good, traditional composition!
Value Compositions
- Create an example of decorative space, on 1/2 sheet or larger Bristol board.
- Create two compositions on 1/2 sheet or larger Bristol board, which, between the two of them, illustrate:
- Relative Size,
- Overlapping,
- Location on the picture plane,
- Location on a diagonal,
- Detail, and
- Gradation of Density.
Turn in sketchbooks on Tuesday
Midterm exam on Tuesday
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